Maeledfist's Comments
Allie returns to the Alsscan Retreat to reconnect with her inner slut under the tutelage of experienced old trollop Jen. Jen commands and Allie obeys as they reaffirm the Jehovah's Clitness tenets of faith. In particular the oft ignored sacrament of pumping is practiced. Then the Jehovah Clitness mantra "Feet to God, cunt to Man " is enacted for all of the men and boys of the planet to observe . And aren't we all thankful! As Allie is reminded to spare not the attention and closeup displays of her spectacular chrome plated spark plug in all of it's glory. It strains its eager head out, seeking tactile stimulation as she hauls back the prepuce to show it to the Universe.
Boxing Day: The day after Christmas when Alsscan doxies open their boxes and give us the "gynecologist view" that we love so much. Thank you Gina! You are an angel and a world class spreader!
An aptly named display of unabashed nubbin therapy (of the vibratory type), self applied by Allie to her utopian sensor. We never tire of watching her lavish attention on her perfect pearl. It is indeed a 'Magic Button".
Is there anything in the entire universe sexier, than a girl with her feet up high and wide for a slot packing?
Somewhere proud parents are showing off these pics to envious friends who's daughters have yet to "present " on the world wide web. It is a red letter day indeed when a daughter spreads like a big girl for the whole universe to enjoy. Such an awesome display of shamelessness!
God bless a girl who vibes her clitty with rabbit ears and lets us watch close up. She still makes me speak in tongues!
I love everything about Alecia, her beautiful face, her tiny mosquito bite titties, her perfect cunt, her jewel like nubbin, and maybe most important of all, she always looks squeaky clean.
It's always a joy to watch a girl's smooth rubbery nether lips vibrate in sync with a powerful wand vibrator.
More magnificent feet up spreads! The smile on her face tells you that she knows she's sitting on a gold mine!
Pure, unabashed, feet up nastiness! Love it! God bless her!
This one is a disappointment. The cover photo is super hot as she exposes ol' redeye for the world to see. Sadly we only catch a fleeting glimpse of her nasty button. Hopefully any upcoming videos will feature her glorious nub in full splendor. Her beautiful glans is a 10 to be sure. This set only rates single digits and that's on those directing who totally missed the mark.
Pussy shaved? Check. Legs spread? Check. Feet up? Check. Hips splayed? Check. Knees bent? Check. Putz stuffed? Check. Yep, I'd say Gianna has nailed it! She's sitting like a lady, spreading like a big girl, packing her slot, and generally connecting with her inner slut! She is following "the path", cosmic tumblers are clicking into place. All is right with the Universe! She has found that elusive high plain of eternal female happiness and contentment. To say nothing of the scores of fans that she has stirred to throbbing erectitude. They are, every one, longing to give her a perfect 10 . . .and a deep injection of lava hot baby batter!
Allie you are beyond amazing! Baby doll you've just gone into the Alsscan Hall of Fame as, The Clitty Nonpareil. Your utopian sensor is the clitoris that legends are made of, a pearl of great price, a family jewel, the center of the sensual Universe. In the history of clitty closeups at Alsscan, there has never been a display to equal the resplendent breathtaking beauty of your perfect nubbin. Personally, I could dedicate myself to a lifetime of tongue bathing the stigma of your female flower. How lucky we are that you are proud enough of that perfect female twat knob, to share it with us in glorious digital HD. You, and It, are a perfect 10 all day long Baby!!!
One cannot improve on perfection. Gianna , here provides us with a view of idealized womanhood. Sitting like a lady with legs spread on the arms of the chair, we are gifted the view her gynecologist sees. She keeps her pedicured toes pointed, and her pink petals spread, as she arduously vibrates her stigma. While there are no contractions of her taint or bung hole, her form is none the less flawless. The American Judge awards this display of wanton masturbatory shamelessness a perfect 10.
Just like learning to ride a bicycle, when women learn how to get their feet up, they never really forget. Anastasia proves once again that she's been riding without training wheels for a long time. She's a study in contrasts. You know shes had those feet up, shamelessly presenting, for dozens of cocks in this business. Yet she does so with the innocence of one splaying her smooth bottom to be powdered and diapered. It's reaffirming to see her so well connected with her inner slut.
For all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been'. Abolitionist poet John Greenleaf Whittier might well have been speaking of the photo layouts at some of your affiliated sites. It seems that some people, upon becoming proficient with a camera, fancy themselves aesthetes. When presented the opportunity to photograph 'nekkid' young women with bald pundendas, all they can envision are dutch angles and soft focus long shots. We give thanks to the Goddess above for the perverted minds at Alsscan, with the technical skills to produce crisp closeup images and the imagination of R. Crumb. This layout is a prime example. This sweet young trollop teaches a lesson on spreading like a big girl with her feet up in the stirrups at the gynecologist . First she presents the goodies with a smile, hoping that the entire planet takes a good long look, before inserting objects to stretch and stimulate her cum catcher. By the time she's through, the Elmer's Glue is oozing from her Bartholin's Glands in preparation for a long hard pounding that will churn it to froth and facilitate a deep injection of baby batter. Long live Alsscan, its photographers and the girls who know how to sit like a lady with their feet up for the camera!
If Kiara wasn't in touch with her inner slut before this shoot, she certainly reconnected before the camera. She presents shamelessly, spreading like a lady, her feet up high and wide, properly placed on the arms of the chair. She affords us the canyon view that her gynecologist sees. Then she unabashedly practices the age old habit of orifice stuffing, cramming a fistful of markers in her accommodating putz. We've now seen a wide variety of objects from faux phalluses to common household objects stretch the rubber lips of her moneymaker. How will she top this layout? Personally I'd like to see her do a shoot totally fixated on her wonderful little fuck nubbin, without theatrics, just edging her gorgeous little bean to orgasmic paroxysms while keeping it exposed and in closeup HD. I know she can do it!
Mag-fucking-nificent! I'm still babbling incoherently after several minutes spent speaking in tongues upon finding Amy's all universe spreads in this set. I came perusing her layouts after the horrendous slight perpetrated against her in the no tan lines set. She spread her petals and pulled back the hood exposing the center of the universe, her perfect pink little stigma, in all of its glory , and some fucktard excuse for a photographer is ten feet away taking a wide shot. This is NOT right! Some degree of redemption was earned however by capturing her in the perfect sitting posture, legs wide feet in the air, "presenting", the way a lady should. For that we are eternally grateful.
Isn't that just the most precious thing that you've ever seen! Mazzy is sheer perfection in this set. She gets her feet up and spreads her smooth clam like a lady, for all of humanity. But she's only beginning! She hunkers, pees, stretches her flawless putz with the homemade twat stretcher, AND, tickles her innards with a huge glass phallus! Hell, she even displays the milky drool of her active Bartholin's gland. If there is a better layout that hits all of the high points, I haven't found it!
Kymberly enjoys the advantage of living in the present day. She avoids the tedious and tiresome techniques that her mother and grandmother employed, foregoing long minutes and possibly even hours of diddling and frigging. By partnering with Japan's Hitachi Heavy Industries and her local Power Company, she's able to spread her petals and apply a source of steady rhythmic vibration, adjustable in frequency no less, to her sensitive little stigma. And we are privy to the trembling onslaught of pleasure rippling through her lovely smooth under carriage as evidenced by her flexing , clenching sphincter.
Kymberly takes a turn in the green wicker chair. By default that means lots of twat spreading and sitting like a lady, the way Aunty and Momma and Granny used to sit at family get togethers. There's something to be said about the therapeutic benefits of airing out one's putz before the whole planet. Sunlight kills unwanted bacteria. Then there is the vicarious thrill of thousands of men inspecting your clit. It's a sure fire way to reconnect with your inner slut.
How can you not adore a girl who gives her hot little putz a bath in the kitchen sink. Then she narrates as she turns the hood inside out looking for that stray bit of smegma she may have missed among the folds. She tops it off with another upclose gander at her sensitive little stigma as she splays her petals for the camera. Outstanding!!
And that, ladies and gentlemen is how female masturbation is done to perfection! No nonsense, singularity of purpose, economy of movement, not a scintilla of wasted time or effort produces the desired paroxysms of pleasure. Her entire lower chassis is fully involved, from her winking sphincter through her convulsing taint right up through her reflexing clitty. She's off on an astral plane away from life's cares and it is a beautiful thing to watch.
Kelsey is a masturbatrix nonpareil! She displays a skill level and deftness of touch that could only be born of long hours spent pleasuring the eight thousand nerve ends in her gorgeous little glans. Whether she's wielding the mighty hitachi or making a plastic battery powered unit service her needs, she knows exactly what her precious pearl needs and how to supply it. She's simply awesome!
That's it dear, rub that sweet pink clitty! That's what it's for! I could watch her rub her precious nubbin forever!
A tour de force display depicting the care and feeding of the adult vulva. She spends equal time feeding her hungry pussy a diet of rigid plastic phallus, while tormenting her big beautiful natural clitty. What's not to adore about Allie? She's perfect, especially for us clit freaks.
Kelsey is gifted in the art of sitting like a lady.
i beseech you therefore sisters by the grace of God that you present your nether lips shaven, feet up, wholly acceptable for tongue bathing and deep dick pounding penetration.
That's it Dear, play with your clitty just like that, right on the nubbin! It's therapeutic !
What a magnificent time to be alive and own a clitoris! The array of tools and toys designed to please the utopian sensor is astounding and growing every day!
Jocelyn you are masturbation perfection. The ooze of your bartholin's gland, your spasming taint, your clinching sphincter all make me want to penetrate you balls deep with my circumcised shaft and hold your ankles aloft to feel your orgasm with you.
I sing the Clitty Electric! Perfect in form and purpose, it's use cannot be corrupted!
What a filthy shameless display of her hairless little putz. Excellent!
Is there anything more precious than a clean shaven young slattern hunkering to pee and allowing the whole Universe to watch?
It is such a load off of a mother's mind when she knows that she can leave her baby unattended in the back yard for hours at a time. With only a mat and a vibe, she'll occupy herself all day exploring her moist pink folds with plastic cock and she'll fall contentedly asleep, to dream of multiple cocks stretching her when she's all grown up and can pull her first choo-choo.
Magfuckingnificent! Emma puts on a tour de force of masturbatory nastiness, splaying herself so that whole Universe can admire every wrinkle and fold of her little putz. One is inclined to wince at the sight as, she clamps and stretches her smooth mantrap beyond the boundaries that most little blonde pussies endure in a lifetime of normal if somewhat heavy use. Not to worry though, as she is regularly seen all over the internet, ingesting huge cocks, especially of the chocolate variety, in every orifice. This innocent looking young slattern has pulled many a choo-choo train in her young life and regularly gets her feet up for large phalluses, human and mechanical. Her mother must be so very proud. I wonder if her momma is a cockhound too.
Emma has moved into the rarefied air at the top of her profession. She is an All Universe Spreader by any measure. She excels in all variations of the art. She displays her hairless mantrap in a classic hunker spread unsurpassed by anyone now working. She assumes the gyno position flawlessly displaying all of her goodies, and, she gleefully gets her feet up high and wide inviting penetration in the cock submissive 'female correct' position. She is, in a word, perfection!!
Is that a cluster of venereal warts on her taint? That's always so sexy.
Spare the rod and spoil the pussy they say. And Anastasia makes sure that both of her nether orifices receive plenty of shaft. Good job!
Wow! What an amazing example of "presenting". She starts right off getting her feet up and spreading like the big girl she's become. Well done Anastasia!
She obviously comes from good stock. She sits like a lady the way Mom, and Grandma and Auntie taught her. She shows us her utopian sensor up close in glorious HD, AND she pumps said nubbin for us the way every big girl should!
"Smile and look at the camera while you stretch those piss flaps! " LOL
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"Spare the rod and spoil the cooter", or so the Good Book says. And young Evelina, obeys by feeding her whisker biscuit a steady diet of battery powered phallus, when there's no man around. Wanting to keep her money maker in top notch operating condition she alternates rapid thrusting with intense pearl polishing, her fingers just a blur on old red eye. All in all a wonderful wanton display of female masturbatory nastiness. Well done!